Memorial Day

In Honor of Memorial Day this year, I am uploading a few pictures of American Flags that I have taken, Take a moment to enjoy the site of the beautiful flag, and remember anybody who has been lost, and think about anybody who is serving our country.



Rose Canyon

These are a few photographs that I took recently during a trip to Mt. Lemon’s Rose Canyon Lake. Something relaxing about looking at these photographs imagining sitting in the big open canyon with few to no other surrounding people.

Landscape Photographs

These are some of my landscape photographs that I have taken recently. I have always loved taking landscape photographs and it was my first photographic passion. These were all taken on Mt. Lemon in Tucson, AZ. Please enjoy yourself.

Memorial Post

I very rarely will ever post an unfinished work on my blog. In fact this may be the only time I every do this.

This work is one that I find hard to finish. A little over a year ago I sat down and talked to one of my fellow photographer friends about my idea. His name was Kris Wolfe.  We spoke about this work that I would create, and he even offered some tips on how to strengthen my idea. It was a nice conversation, like many we had it was about something we both loved. Photography. 1 year ago today Kris Wolfe passed away. When he died I still had not finished this work. I can’t bring myself to finish this work. And I don’t even like to talk about why I made this work. Because I still feel like completing it is to far away.  So here is what I have so far.

The idea was to have about 10 images similar to this idea.  Not sure if I will ever finish it.

Southern California

I took these photographs in Southern California over the past few years.

Huntington Beach California


Beachfront Homes


I took these photographs in Tucson, Az. There is a point in every persons life that you will get sick of where you live. I discovered this one day when all I wanted to take pictures of was a forest, but everyone who came to visit AZ only wanted to take pictures of cactus. I forced myself to see the green of AZ by photographing the cactus that we see all day everyday here. It opened my eyes to the beauty around me.

Color Creates Identity?

I took these Photographs sometime in 2010. The were part of a series I created that focused on color that creates identity. Tell me what you think!

The Undiscovered World of the Tiny People

These are photographs that I took a few months ago, I am experimenting with “Slinkachu” From what I understand my work is much like “Slinkachu”. Please let me know your thoughts!

A Taste of My Work

I take many types of photographs, and what I am uploading here is just a little sample of some of the work I have created, and I will upload more soon!

Well Hopefully you get the gist of my work from this, It is all over the place. I will continue to upload to my new blog!

Hello world!

This is my first blog post. I am an aspiring Photographer in Tucson, Az. I intend to use this site to get feed back and criticism on my work. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I will Upload some pictures soon!